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Tulip Madness, PAWA paints Roozengaarde

I've had to spell Roozengaarde about 20 times....and each time I have to look it up! Sure glad that is not my last name!

Every spring thousands of people from all over the world look up Roozengaard on their phones and computers, then travel long distances just to see the amazing beauty of fields gushing color in every direction and to take pictures of family and friends among the blooming tulips and daffodils.

The members of PAWA are lucky to have this spectacular travel destination in our own back yard! Many of us recently got our tickets, packed our easels and arrived for what is becoming an annual paint out at the Tulip fields of Roozengaarde.

We met at the Windmill and everyone quickly dispersed around the grounds. There are many great vantage points for epic field paintings or intimate flower portraits. It can be a little daunting to figure out where to set up and get started. I always spend too much time walking the fields and taking pictures of all the figures in the landscape.

Karen paints the fields

As we all joyfully painted the pastel scenes, many interactions with fellow painters and those interested in what was happening with "all these artists" made the day go by quickly. Much fun was had , a few paintings sold and the trip home was filled with more great memories of another satisfying PAWA paintout.

Next time I will take more pictures of all the artists!  I was way too focused on painting to think about the blog!  I'll do better on the next post which will be all about our paintout at the Arboretum....  =]

Until next time, have fun and stay creative!


6x10 oil on panel by Robin Weiss