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Advertising Members


Signing up for an Advertising Membership gives you the opportunity to showcase your paintings on your own Gallery page.  You may also advertise your workshop.  Please read instructions below for submissions.

Galleries ---

For New Advertising Members:

To have a Gallery page on our website:

Contact Cindy at Submission guidelines for your Gallery images and info is below:

You may submit up to 10 images for your Gallery slideshow. Title your images as shown below and attach them to your email message in the order you want them to be shown in your gallery.  Please do not embed your images into the email. (If you are using an Apple computer, please use "Send Windows Friendly Attachment".)

  1. First name Last name - painting title - dimensions.jpg (Example: Sylvia Carlton - Morning Surprise - 14x11.jpg) Painting title will appear below your image in the larger slideshow, so the way you title them is how they will appear - please proof.
  2. All images must be formatted to be no more than 800 pixels on the longest side, 72dpi. (It is important that you do this so the images download more quickly. Please do not send photos in excess of 1MB; or larger than 800px on the longest side.) If you have questions about this, please ask.
  3. A photo of yourself (square) no larger than 400px. (In lieu of photo, you may submit your logo. The same dimensions apply.) 
  4. The URL for your website, if you have one.
  5. Your email address will appear on your Gallery page, therefore if you wish to use a different email address than the one you are emailing your images from, please include that.

When your Gallery has been published you may contact Robin Weiss, our Blog administrator to arrange an interview.

For Existing/Renewing Advertising Members:

If you wish to replace images from your gallery page, please email Cindy at with the following:

To add paintings:
 Follow instructions above regarding title and format.

To delete paintings:
• List, by name, those images you want to have replaced.

If you are a new Advertising Member, you may submit your images when you sign up. After initial submission of images, the member’s gallery pages will be updated in January, May and September. Images received by the 10th in each of those months will be added by the end of the month. 

Advertising Workshops ---

If you wish to take advantage of the advertising service that is included in your Advertising Membership:

Please contact Cindy at with the following information:

• Name and dates of the workshop you wish to advertise.

• The link to the workshop. (Website space is limited and we prefer that you link to your own website or the website of the organization hosting your workshop. If you do not have a website and/or provide more than a link, the information will be posted on your Gallery page and a link will be provided to it from the Member Workshops page.)

• Photo (jpg), optional (one per workshop). Photo should be titled with the name of the workshop and should be formatted to be no more than 400 pixels on the longest side, 72dpi.  

Please notify Cindy when your workshop has ended.