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The Nisqually Virtual Paintout and other News

Seems like the world has radically changed for all of us since my last blog post for PAWA. Instead of gathering together in the beautiful setting of Nisqually Wildlife Refuge we are painting from our laptops in studios at home! Good news is we can still paint!....and a lot of us are painting up a storm!
Many of you are aware that we are having a virtual paintout at Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. You can access pictures on instagram and from our facebook page .  Do a painting from the pictures and post on FB or Instagram. Be sure to tag #onlinepaintout.

Before the Governor gave the order to shelter in place but after we had canceled the Nisqually paintout Ann and I decided to take a drive to the refuge. I had never been and wanted to see what it was about. What a beautiful place to paint!

The day was spectacular ! I didn't waste any time setting up to paint. At the easel, in this amazing setting, with the sounds of wildlife all around is about as good as it gets for me. I love this job! The only thing missing was the camaraderie of fellow artists that makes being a member of Plein Air Washington Artists so enjoyable.

Meanwhile PAWA artists are finding creative ways to find fellowship with other members and artists online by joining online galleries like Daily Paintworks  and honing skills by participating in online challenges like the 30 day challenge or even the 365 day challenge.

Susan McManamen

Susan McManamen is a member who is taking the Strada, painting a day for 30 days challenge. Check out her facebook page to see what Susan has been painting. Another fun challenge is posting a painting and then tagging an artist friend to post one, then see how long you can keep it going. There are various versions of this challenge but all these exercises can help us keep in touch while honing our skills, especially now that we are sheltering in place.

Karen painting and talking with her mom outside her window at the assisted living residence on lock down

Before the order to stay home our president Karen Bakke took some paintings to a gallery and then surprised her elderly mom who was on lockdown in her assisted living residence. She set up her easel and did a painting outside her moms window so she could watch her paint. What a great way to connect for Karen and her mom.  Karen has also been putting out information about how to keep safe during this quarantine and you all know what to do! Here is an informative youtube video that was sent to me about staying safe when going to the grocery store and what to do when you bring the groceries home. Watch HERE.


Here is a painting I did from the pictures taken at Nisqually.

My plein air piece was a Frisbee..=/

I hope you all go to the instagram page and check out the great paintings that members are posting!


I look forward to painting with you all again out in nature!  I will definitely try to be at the Nisqually paintout  in 2021 !   Stay safe and happy painting!