**Class info below**
Free Portrait Demonstration at Cornish+
Sunday, February 4th, 2:30 PM- www.ReneePlevy.com
Portrait painting secrets will be revealed as well as interesting stories about famous people Renee has painted. She will create an oil sketch of audience member, while sharing personal anecdotes and portrait techniques.
Renee Plevy’s portrait demonstration has been shown throughout the country in over 50 venues. First time here in Seattle.
For Artists as well as Those who would like to see what happens behind the scenes.
BEGINNING PAINTING CLASS at Cornish+ – Oil and Acrylics
Wednesdays, 9:30AM-12:30 PM, February 7th – March 27th
In a fun environment, learn the basic tools, vocabulary, and techniques that will give you a strong foundation to be able to paint whatever you so desire. These are the “Secrets of the Masters” that will be revealed to you.
Master artist, Renee Plevy has taught this same class at SVA in Manhattan, and recently at the Boca Raton Museum Art School for over 8 years. This class is great for artists coming back to painting – as well as beginner beginners.
Renee will call you prior to the class to customize both learning to your needs as well as the supplies you will be using.
REGISTER: https://plus.cornish.edu/courses?f%5B0%5D=instructors%3ARenee%20Plevy