If you would like to learn more about Plein Air Washington Artists, or a specific event, please feel free to contact one of our officers. We are always interested in partnering with groups and communities to promote the natural beauty of our state and to encourage artistic excellence. Positions marked with an asterisk are Board positions.
Position | Name | Email Address |
*President | Janelle Kroner | president@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
*Vice-President | ||
*Secretary | Kelli Stephens | kmartino21@gmail.com |
*Treasurer | Jane Wallis | treasurer@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
*Membership Coordinator | Stephanie Dewar | membership@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
*Paint-out Coordinator | Teri Capp | paintout@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
*Webmaster | Cindy Sun | webmaster@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
*Videographer | Susan McManamen | pawavideo@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
*Graphic Design | Melanie Thompson | melaniethompsonart@gmail.com |
*Publicity and PR | Fatima Young | pawapr@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
*Eventbrite Coordinator | Sarah Weiser | pastels@weisers.org |
*Founder/Advisor | Sylvia Carlton | sylviacarlton@mac.com |
Blog | Robin Weiss | robinweiss@earthlink.net |
Alejandra Gos | alejandragos@gmail.com | |
Nancy Romanovsky | pleinairwashingtonartists@gmail.com | |
Exhibitions Chair - Winter Show | Janelle Kroner & Fatima Young | president@pleinairwashingtonartists.com & pawapr@pleinairwashingtonartists.com |
Exhibitions Chair - Little Gems Show | TBD |